Moscone Emblidge & Rubens was founded by two San Francisco deputy city attorneys, who have leveraged their political and government backgrounds to help clients make sense of the arcane worlds of government contracting, permitting, and regulation. Our credibility and connections with state, regional, and local Bay Area decision-makers can help get a stalled project back on track, or convince a governmental entity to reverse an ill-advised decision.
Permitting, Contracting, and Government Relations
Getting permits and contracts approved is often the most difficult part of doing business with a government agency. We can help. With decades of experience in public law, we regularly counsel clients in bidding for public contracts and in obtaining construction and business permits. Our attorneys also make use of their connections and ties with local governments across the Bay Area and California to help our clients make their case directly to local regulators.
Since our firm was founded, we have helped many national and local companies successfully obtain public contacts. We have assisted a major corporation reverse the decision of a regional agency regarding the best vendor for the Bay Area’s electronic toll system. We have helped a major national parking garage operator obtain a contract for the San Francisco International Airport, ousting the incumbent operator. We assisted an international luxury hotel chain in getting tax credits for renovating an historic building in San Francisco. And we have represented dozens of local community organizations and homeowners in opposing unwise, unfit, and environmentally insensitive development projects.
Regulatory Compliance
Local and state regulations are a minefield that can threaten even the most sensible and well-planned project. Our attorneys regularly guide clients in complying with local business, environmental, zoning, and other regulations, and assist them in responding to regulatory scrutiny of their operations. We have assisted one of the world’s largest Internet companies in handling questions about their donations to public officials. We have represented a chain of local entertainment businesses in responding to allegations of illegal gambling. And we have counseled the operator of a major entertainment venue on complying with federal, state and local disability access requirements.